Thursday, 1 December 2011

understanding users - http, ssh, rsync

understanding users - http, ssh, rsync

Hey everyone.

I'm running into an issue where I've got rsync doing it's thing through ssh authenticating as user2. I tested this all out in a small subdirectory with no issues - just had to chown the folder and contents to user2.

Now I am trying to backup the whole server but hitting an issue that I need help understanding and possibly a solution. The majority of the files in my public_html are set to user1 (really tied to the cpanel/ftp account). When I try to switch to user2 - the server goes down through http - 500 error. When I chown everything back to user1 it works as it did beforehand.

I need to change the owner of the files to user2 and have everything function as it should over http, is there a setting/config for this somewhere? Please advise.


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